So Far So Good

2 new bracelets now listed in my shop!

I am faring okay with Joe gone, keeping quite busy. Yesterday I cleaned out my closet, threw away a lot of old clothes, put away the sweaters and wool dress pants, brought out the shorts and t-shirts. Reorganized my closet back to a useable space, ironed some wrinkled clothes. It was a HUGE task and took approx. 4 hours. I’m taking 3 bags of clothes and 1 bag of shoes to the salvation army today. whew!

I saw a couple of movies over the weekend, He’s Just Not that Into You. It was on Movies on Demand, and I liked it. It was entertaining and funny and had a great cast. I went to the movies with Tara on Saturday and we saw The Proposal. Another good romantic comedy. Great cast, and really funny. Loved it.

I stopped at Barnes and Noble on Friday- I try to stop in once a week just to peruse the magazines, and see what’s new in the jewelry books. I ended up buying a new book- Secret Life of Bees, and have been reading it almost non-stop. It’s got my attention and that’s huge. I have read a book in months. I also found a HUGE clearance table where I found the most awesome Presentation book- Vera Bradley sells some special items at B&N and I have eyed this presentation book before. It’s perfect to showcase the magazine articles I’ve written so far. I figured I could leave it out on my table when I set up my small Trunk show at the museum next monday.

About loreleieurto

I have been creating jewelry since 2007. My work can also be seen in a variety of different publications such as Jewelry Stringing magazine, Step by Step Wire, Creative Jewelry, BeadStyle, and in the book I co-authored with Erin Siegel, called Bohemian Inspired Jewelry: 50 designs Using Leather Ribbons and Cords, 2012 Interweave Press. I write a blog at My jewelry, tutorials, ebooks, sewing, and sometimes knitting is all for sale on my website

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