Has this happened to you?

The scenario:

You have exactly 45 minutes to photograph 4 pieces of jewelry, do the photo editing, eat breakfast, and list all 4 pieces before having to jet out the door to work.
Half way through the photo session, the rechargeable, piece of shit batteries that you have had for a year, die.
Now the time is dwindling. You now only have 35 minutes. So you try to recharge the batteries
for the bazillionth time. You eat breakfast. You try the batteries in the camera again, just to see if you can squeeze out 4 more pictures.
Dead. Nothing. Nada.

Okay. Time to move on.
Here are 3 of the 4 pieces I created last night. Could it be that I am already influenced by the new color in my studio??

Attention blog readers!! See this lovely handmade
lampwork glass bead? I got this from a blog reader
who participated in the Big bead/earring swap.
Can you please raise your hand, leave a comment
that you made this bead so that I can correctly
credit you in my etsy listing?

Best Husband Ever

When I got home from work yesterday,
I found this when I got upstairs.

The bead room was:
Dark, and dismal

The new color:
Vintage Map

by Martha Stewart

jewelry was not created because the
room looked like this:

Joe got one full coat on the room.
The second coat will go on Saturday.
I’ll post more pics when the room
is put back together again.
I love the new color.
I’m looking forward to decorating it.
I want to use an antique tablecloth that
has some red in it, for the curtain/valance.
I wish I knew how to sew!!

Featured Seller on I MADE THAT

Come read the feature I did on Jessie’s Blog: I MADE THAT. You might just learn something new about me that you didn’t know. AND, there is a small chance you could get a little discount code there. šŸ™‚

The Traveller

The Road Not Taken

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and Iā€”
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Welcome to this months BLOG GIVEAWAY!

Welcome to my next Blog giveaway! This weeks giveaway item was donated by one of my favorite fellow Etsians,

Lovely little copper owl bezel filled with green glitter and resin, would add a bit of pizazz to any piece of jewelry! I know you’ll love this pendant, ya’all are lucky I’m not keeping it for myself!

That’s how I roll, I share the l o v e.

Now here’s the deal. Leave a comment on this post- and I’ll pick a random winner on Friday May 1st! Good luck, and thanks for participating!

New for Spring!

Mom has outdone herself yet again, and has created a bunch of new aprons for the Spring. I have been slowly but surely getting them listed in her Emee Shop.
Check out this cute heavy duty Stripes and Sunflowers Gardening apron! Perfect for the season, and would also make a really great gift for Mother’s Day!

Steamed Punk

Feelin’ kinda Punk-ish lately! I’ve been enjoying playing with some new ceramic beads from my friend Melanie over at Earthenwood Studio. Check out Melanie’s online store, she has many new steampunk goodies listed for sale like these.

The glaze on this gear bead that she sent me, is really so very cool. It has a very METAL appearance. I went to the local bead shop yesterday looking for some ideas to use with this, and found these awesome Hemitite wheels, and some gunmetal bead cages, and gun metal toggle clasp. I knew they’d work perfectly with the pendant.
My next challenge was making the bead into a pendant, since the hole was through the center of the bead. A little clever wire work, and thinking it over a looong time, I came up with this! Fold a piece of wire in half, string 1 hemitite round. Polk both ends through the hole from front to back. Bend the wire up at 10 and 2 o’clock. Form wrapped loops, and string the pendant onto the beading wire! perfect!

Today is going to gorgeous! I’m spending a few hours this afternoon at Afternoon Tea at the Rosemont Inn with some friends. Looking forward to some serious tea drinking, and mini-sandwich eating but am mostly looking forward to Rita’s scones. They are to DIE FOR!!

Check back on Monday morning, I’m doing a blog giveaway- Prize is donated by the ever-talented JADE SCOTT!

Markdowns and Newbies

I marked down a few things in my shop this morning. Check out the sale section!

Last night I created a couple bracelets. One is a little too similar to the piece in Semi-Precious Salvage so I won’t be selling it in my shop. What can I say!? I too, am influenced easily by a great design. This 3 strand bracelet is one of those really awesome designs, and the color palette is perfect for spring. I used one of Jade Scott’s image charms for the focal. I love the wire -wrapped sections of buttons, they are just such a cool shape and add a bit of movement to the piece. Hey I may just keep this for myself!

The other, a big chunky, stretchy wood cuff with one of my new little bird buttons from Sienna Orlando. Look how cute!! I used some faceted Turquoise rondelles and some small cream recycled glass beads from Happy Mango Beads. I love these double-drilled, big chunky wood beads. I found them at Beads and Pieces. I hope this bracelet sells as quickly as the last one did!

I hope you all have a great Friday! Spend some time today reading some great posts about Copyrights. Melanie at Earthenwood wrote an interested post about this topic. So did Lynn Davis. Take a couple minutes and read this post, it gives some links to important articles also all about copyrights! I know I learned a few things by reading, and I know you will too!

Have a few laughs

Comedy Central Presents Friday 10pm / 9c
Lynne Koplitz – Interview
Joke of the Day Stand-Up Comedy Free Online Games

Lynne Koplitz is one of my favorite stand-up comedians. She’s hilarious, and if you ever have a chance to watch this whole special on Comedy Central, do it. You won’t regret it. She is sooo funny!

Another favorite comedian of mine is Jim Gaffigan. OMG funny. Someday, I’d love to see him perform live. Here’s a little clip of him too.

Humblebeads and Mix Tapes CONTEST!


Since I don’t have a scanner, this is the best I could find from my teen years.
I was in 11th grade I believe, and my sister in this pic was 1 year old.
This was back in the day when all I had was a tape player and the radio and I’d
tape songs off the radio to hear them again and again. I would play them over
and over and over, memorize the words, sometimes write the words down!
See my 80s playlist in the side bar on the left <—————————–
Go on over to Heather’s Humblebeads Blog and play along in her challenge
to win some free beads!