Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

[Insert shameless plug here:]
I’m one away from 300 sales! WAHOO!! Buy these earrings and I’ll include a little freebie with your order!

I’ve been Tagged!

I’ve been Tagged again… This time by Maria Grimes

The rules of tagging.1
. Link to tagger and display these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself – some random, some WEIRD.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by including links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

by the way, I’m not tagging anyone this time because I just did a week ago….I know. REBEL.

1. I’ve been dreaming a lot lately about opening a Bed and Breakfast and, opening a bead shop and writing a book.

2. As I get older, I have acquired strange eating habits. I feel uncomfortable when I have less than 3 things on my plate for dinner. I like to eat things in 3. Strange. I know, downright wacky really. I have no idea where this comes from.

3. I very rarely wear my own jewelry. But I love to buy jewelry on Etsy from other artisans.

4. I have stayed the same weight since 2002, fluctuating only up and down one pants size.

5. I got married the day after 4th of July so I could continue on the Red White and Blue theme. Americana galore…

6. I want a baby so bad I can taste it. (TMI- sorry)

7. I play the flute. Well, I played the flute. Past tense. But want to pick it up again.

After you read all the nutty things about me, go check out my new listings at my shop!

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Twitter This

What the heck IS Twitter, anyway? So I signed up for it yesterday because a blog reader asked me if I had a Twitter account so she could “Follow me”…
Is this a “Stalker” type website or what!? I don’t do very many interesting things. I’m really having trouble grasping the whole idea of it. I’ve gone on the site a few times since signing up and it takes me like 10 minutes to figure out what the most interesting thing I’m doing is and type it in.
Can someone shed some light on this phenomena please? I mean, should I be doing something MORE than what I’m doing? And I haven’t quite figured out how to let people know on the blog that I’m Twittering now. Is Facebook the same idea? But with more of an option to chat with friends and add pictures? Twitter is just the updating of what you’re doing at any given moment. How can I use this to help draw business to my jewelry shop?

Ok that’s enough ranting on that.
My next rant is, I’m sick of looking at some of these jewelry pieces in my shop so I’ve marked a few more pieces down this morning. I’m practically GIVING them away at this point, so tell your friends, and come in and start your Christmas shopping early k?? I’d appreciate it.

I’ve decided to list my favorite Collaboration piece from my last collaboration with Heather Powers and Mary Harding. I hung onto this necklace with an idea that I would wear it. I’ve worn it once I think. I’ve decided to let it go. It’s a beauty so I hope someone snatches it up quickly.

Update- It just sold! Thank you C!!
Here is a new earring design that was inspired by an idea from my friend Beth. Thank you BETH! I love how these earrings turned out. Check out these beautiful lampwork
glass beads from ikuyoglassart.
I am definitely going to have to do an Etsy Feature interview with this seller.

Hoooo Hooooo’s Got the Best Owl?

HooHoooooo…. Hooooo.

Thought I’d share some Owly goodness from Etsy …these are all in my favorites. Hint Hint. Christmas is comin’! I have to drop hints whenever I can!

Owl Nesting Set- Savage Artworks

Green Owl- The Quirky Corn Crib

Reserved Owl- Marjji
That 70s Owl- Endangered Creations 2

Owl Zippered Pouch- MoonTeaArtwork

Owl Pendant- Heather Wynn (Swoondimples)

Almost 300!

Oh My Gosh! I just realized I am only 8 sales away from 300 SALES! Wow. Who knew I would have come this far. It’s really quite awesome when you think about it.
So I should have some sort of great special for my 300th sale…. hmmmmm.
Any ideas??

Our weekend project … I originally wanted Joe to strip the top of my buffet that I got at the Bouckville Antique fair this summer, stain the top to match the dining room set, and then paint the bottom cranberry…

But he just couldn’t get all the paint up off the surface and when he put the stain on, the stain didn’t cover the paint spots like we thought it would. So he’ll just paint the whole thing cranberry. Including the top. I think it will still be a better color than the white which is a little too shabby chic for my dining room. I’ll post more pictures when the second coat of paint goes on.

oh oh oh my goodness.

…. I really do amaze myself sometimes…. I don’t give myself enough credit.
I’ve said this before, but this might be my most favorite piece I’ve done, ever.

Sunday Fun day!

As you read yesterday, I traveled to Saratoga Springs yesterday and had a wonderful day… First a stop to Saratoga Beads .. Which was even better than I expected. A small store, but absolutely PACKED with beads of all kinds. They even had a nice selection of Green Girl Studios, and Silver charms from Wynwoods, glass strands, and loose beads of all kinds. I also found the newest edition of Easy Wire… I have been waiting for this issue. I bought the last issue and LOVED it. The projects are beautiful and so really easy! I love this project on the cover.

And of course I can’t go to a bead shop without buying some beads. I found Saratoga beads to be a little bit expensive, so I only picked up a few things… Some seeds, and glass, and a few artist made dichroic slice beads that I thought could be really cool as button clasps.

I had a wonderful time getting together with Beth Anderson. She’s been a loyal customer since I started making and selling jewelry. It was really cool to finally meet her in person. She and her husband had traveled up from P.A. to see their daughter race in a Crew Regatta. We had a lovely lunch at The Ripe Tomato.
Then we walked around the town of Saratoga Springs and had a nice time catching up and get to know each other. I look forward to a future courier trip to Philadelphia this January, where we’ll meet up again and have a fun day together there.
Beth just opened up a new Etsy shop…she’s a rug hooker/crafter and her pieces are superb. Check out her shop, buy something wouldja!?

When I got home I was excited to see my package from Heather at Humblebeads. I ordered some of her new Klimt beads and also a cute little Hedgie bead that I fell in love with. I am looking forward to pairing these new beads with some dark ebony wood beads that I ordered recently from E & E Bungalow.
And Friday I received my first order from Lisa and Tony Blackwell of Zoa Art. They have an awesome new Etsy shop and they just added a bunch of really cool Shibuchi beads/charms/pendants. I ordered a little Hand charm, and a connector link and these really awesome Resin leaf charms. They have typed words on them. I just love them!! I look forward to today’s beading extravaganza, I better go get busy!

A Day Off….

Photo credit- Bebe Nonesuch

I am taking the day off today. Headed up to Saratoga Springs with Joe today… I am meeting one of my favorite and best customers there. She’s going there from P.A. to watch her daughter Row in a crew competition. I’m excited to meet her face to face, and Saratoga is a such a beautiful area, we’ll have fun going to lunch and shopping around. Supposed to rain but… it’ll be fine. I’m hoping to stop in at Saratoga Beads. Hopefully…if I can bribe Joe to let me. Just for a few minutes…. pleeeeeaaaassssseeeee.
Hope you all enjoy your Saturday!

Remember, FREE SHIPPING in my jewelry shop all weekend!!


New earrings are in the shop!

You’d better sit down.
There is a lot of great stuff for today.
I can’t even contain myself.
It’s Friday!
I’m living for the weekend today!
I’ve never felt better.

First on the agenda.
Move over Drika B. I found a new lover. Her name is Katie and she is a handmade bag,purse,pouch DIVA. Her shop- MADE BY HANK– I think I saw one of her bags on the front page of Etsy the other day and fell instantly in love. Well I contacted her, and she is sweet as pie and agreed to make me one of these bags. Look at it’s perfect awesomeness. I can’t wait to get it.

And check out this little elephant pouch! It just couldn’t be any cuter. I’ll
get one of these next…I’m waiting for Katie to list one in Gray.

I’m going to have another sale this weekend.

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That’s right, you heard me. Free Shipping. Today through Sunday! On all DOMESTIC orders only. Take advantage!! You won’t regret it! And Christmas is a comin! It’s right around the corner, yo.


Above- Golem Studios ceramic rounds
Above- Crazy Cat Glass

Loving these earrings.
Glass- Libelula Designs