New Blog!

I was invited to be a regular contributor of a new blog hosted by Heather Powers of Humblebeads & Art Bead Scene.  It’s called Earrings Everday and features handcrafted earrings Monday through Friday. On the weekends you’ll find great posts about earring display, earring cards, etc etc.  It really is a fantastic idea for a blog and a great place to show off our earrings that are available for sale.  Come on over and read about all of the other contributors in today’s post! Meet the Team! Wednesday will be my first earring post!

OK wait!
Before you go, watch this – one of my favorite scenes in my new favorite movie, Bridesmaids. That Kristen Wiig, she’s HilAriOuS!

Coming This Week!

Jade Scott, that talented lass, is sending me several of her enameled flowers for a new challenge. Check back in later this week and I will be doing a random giveaway of about 6 or 7 flowers to have a small blog hop challenge.  I made this ring today,  with a flower I had on hand…. just to whet your appetite and get your creative wheels turning!

ARTisan Interview: Introducing FlameCrazy

I discovered Cherine Perrin’s Etsy shop FlameCrazy the other day while I was perusing the Lampworked glass section. I was blown away by her overall shop appearance, great photos and eye-catching glass beads. She has been so kind as to answer a few questions for my new series, ARTisan Interviews.  I hope you enjoy getting to know Cherine a bit better, and I do hope you take some time to check out her store. She is offering 10% off orders with coupon code: Lorelei10

1) Describe yourself in 3 words.

Oh man just 3 … Compassionate ~ Quirky ~ Curious

2) How would you describe your craft and style?
I make lampwork beads. Lampworking is a process of melting glass rods in a torch and forming it around a mandrel that is removed later after they come out of the kiln. It is called Lampworking because in ancient times glass was melted in oil filled “lamps”. It is also called Flamework or Torchwork.
My style is all about color and simplicity. When I am at the torch I am always mindfull of the wearability factor. Although I don’t make jewelry myself, I know that my beads will be made into a wearable piece of jewelry and that drives my work.

3) What inspires you?
I am inspired by the glass itself. Those colorful glass rods laying on my workbench just begging to be melted and transformed into little wearable gems. This time of year I am also inspired by natureI find myself drawn to the browns, reds and oranges to mimic the beautiful changing colors of the leaves.

4) How long have you been creating?
My very first class was in 1999. I was hooked ever since.

5) Is this a job or a hobby?

That’s a tough one. I wish there was an in-between word. I guess I will say it is a hobby since my mortgage doesn’t depend on it. I guess it is that it doesn’t feel like a job because it is so damn fun!

6) How do you see your work evolving?
I see my work evolving as I keep trying new techniques and working hard to master the others. I am desperately working on my sculptural skills right now. For me it is one of the harder techniques as there is a fine line between keeping a piece warm enough to not crack and cool enough to not become molten. Especially when you are working at a 2000 degree torch.

7) I find that I have a love/hate relationship with Etsy….
What is your favorite and least favorite thing about selling on Etsy?
My favorite thing about Etsy is the sense of community. I love getting feedback from customers and return customers are the highest form of flattery to me. My least favorite thing would be that I don’t have a listing fairy. Someone to just handle the computer stuff for me so I can spend more time in the studio.

8) Do you have any advice for other Etsy artisans?

My advice would be to seek out like-minded artisans and form relationships centered around mutual creativity.
Also, I found it is helpful to list items often. It helps you stay within the first few search pages, which is key.

Thank you so much Cherine! What a pleasure! I am excited to do a little shopping for some beads too!

Frosty Morning

Very cool frosty patterns on my car this morning. It was definitely the first hard frost we’ve had. Unfortunately it killed my pretty potted plants on the front porch but I knew it would happen eventually. Cannot believe that Halloween is only 3 days away.  Where did October go? and Sept? Aug?! and July!?! Where did the Summer go? Geesh.

I had fun capturing some of my plants this morning, sporting a nice icy covering.

Trip to the gym went well. Felt a little bit like a hamster but I figure that will go away eventually. I used the elliptical machine.  Have no idea how to spell it OR use it for that matter. I’m sure I looked like a lunatic on it.  But it worked up quite the sweat so I figure I probably was doing it right.
I have ambitious plans to go to Zumba tomorrow morning.  We’ll see.

Facebook Friends

Are we Facebook friends? If not, we should be! Because today I join the gym. and to celebrate, I am offering a coupon code to my Facebook friends only. Come over to my FB Wall to see what the coupon is. Enjoy!

LeAnn’s beads in Full Force

I really love LeAnn’s bronze and ceramic beads. (Both are available in her etsy shop, SummerStudiosEtc. Just got these yesterday in the mail and could not wait to play around with them. As soon as I saw them, I knew I had to use them all together in one piece.

The texture on these coin beads is amazing. The colors are very Autumn inspired. I paired them with wood rounds and some Czech glass flowers that are wire wrapped on copper ball headpins from Ornamentea.

Diane Hawkey’s IMAGINE bead worked perfect with the matte teal glaze on LeAnn’s beads so I added that in for some whimsy.

I love it! The copper clasp is from Patricia Healey and I got it from

Hoping your all having a good week so far!


Let me first entice you with some pretties- These beads were ordered this morning over coffee.

Delicious!! Flat slabs of labradorite and this new stone on the bottom is called
Mexican Obicular Jasper! Just the name is sexy alone, I can’t wait to see the beads in person!
These are both from

Okay, so.  Let’s catch you up on some other randoms.
Remember the other day I posted about the whole Etsy name change? Well I went ahead and did it. My new shop name URL is:
It’s got a nice ring to it eh? Tis a bit long to type out but it does the trick.  Hopefully all goes well, so far so good.

In 2 more days (waiting for payday)  I will be a proud new member of Planet Fitness. Unfortunately because gyms in my area suck ass, I can’t just get everything I want from one gym, but instead will have to use the machines at P.F. and then go to Studio 55 to take classes like Zumba, Yoga, Pilates and the like.  Planet Fitness doesn’t offer any classes.  This will be the first time ever that I have belonged to a gym. That’s crazy. I’m kind of excited. And I do love to people watch so I’m sure it will be entertaining when I go there. Plus I have 3 friends (including my husband) who have memberships there so there is bound to always be someone to work out with. Right?? I am trying hard to justify it all in my head. 

This new development in my lifestyle is going to cause problems in another important area of my life. My jewelry business.  Because I spend every waking moment glued to my freakin computer. Things are going to have to change once I start attending the gym and dancing to all this Zumba nonsense.  So let me run this by you.  I think I have decided to do scheduled shop updates like 1-2 times a week instead of listing new items every day.  I know there is a big risk with this. One, my head my explode if I change my whole routine. And two, customers might get mad, or possibly new shoppers on Etsy won’t see me as much as maybe they do now? I don’t know. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe it’s more about all the tags and relevancy that gets a shop seen these days. Frankly, I don’t understand the science of it all.  My next challenge, is to actually pick which
day(s). As you all know, listing is a process and if I am working full time, when do I pick a day to list a million things. Because you know what will happen. With all of this other free time, I’ll be making twice what I normally make and then will have like a bajillion items to list in one sitting and it would take me a day just to list them all. ok, I may be exaggerating.  a tad.

In other news, I have been asked to write something for someone’s really important something and I am super scared and excited and wish I could say more but it’s not for me to say this early. I promise I’ll tell you sometime soon, but wow. It’s pretty amazing. I am terrible at secrets but will have to keep this one a while longer.

happy monday!

For all the newbies

I know I shared this on Facebook but I forgot to share with you all here at the ol’ blog! Tammy Powley who is the author at the Jewelry Making blog, did an interview with yours truly. So for all of you who don’t really know anything about where Lorelei Eurto and the jewelry came from, here’s some light reading material for ya. Enjoy!

For Lorelei Eurto, it all started with a copy of Stringing magazine. She fell instantly in love with bead stringing, and with the help of this same magazine, Lorelei taught herself all the basic….Continue

Jade Scott Update

Come on by Jade Scott’s shop for an update today at 2pm (3pm est)!