friday dec 28


Friday Favorites

Last night was our night to do the Christmas shopping. I’d say within approximately 5 min. of being in the store, my husband and I were at each others throats and complete and utter aggravation had set in. I hate shopping this time of year. Everyone and their brother was out and about last night, and I’m talking like 8-9pm…when I for some reason, thought everyone would be back at home by then.
My husband, GOTTA LOVE HIM, always always waits until the very last moment to do our shopping and every year I swear I will start in October the following year and it just never happens that way.
Next year, October. That’s all there is to it. I will not go through this frustration again. Nope. Not Gonna Do it.

Here is a little Etsy Favoritism. I ordered these three beauties from Jodie Hurt.I can’t wait to get them! I have a feeling they won’t get here before I go to CT for Christmas. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
I have a plan to mat these 3 together and frame them and I think I will hang them in my studio. That’s the next room on the schedule for painting. I picked a beautiful teal blue/green.

Monday 1 Foot of Snow

It’s a nasty morning out there. Only a 2 hour delay for Rome Schools. Ridiculous. I wish Joe didn’t have to drive out there at all.
I am looking forward to going to work, our catered Christmas Luncheon is today.
Here is our Christmas tree. Put it up this weekend. I was worried that we wouldn’t have enough decorations. In the past we have only had a little 4 footer (fake) We must have really crammed the decorations onto it, it looks a lot better spreading them out a little. This tree must be at least 7 foot tall.

Hunkering Down for the Storm

I guess it’s gonna be a bad one. I’ve heard everything from 9 to 47 inches. How the hell do they know!? They never get it right.
It’s gonna snow. That’s all anyone needs to know.

this made me giggle today. Thought I would share.

funny pictures

Wednesday Dec 12

Here we go, a better picture of the Flight necklace for your viewing pleasure. I wore this yesterday and it was a huge hit, which made me quite happy. Not only that, but yesterday was also the day that my jewelry made into the jewelry case at the Musuem gift shop! I must say, it looks fabulous under the “lights”!

Here is the necklace that I made for the Christmas party raffle. I made matching earrings too as a little bonus. I hope that people like it. I got the little charms from Melanie at Earthenwood Studio. She was kind enough to give me some freebies when she sent my prize for winning the Art Bead Scene challenge!

Tuesday December 11

I love it when a plan comes together. Lola was quite happy with her necklace that I created for her special pendant. She posted the images on her blog today, and so I thought I would do the same. Plus her photos came out so much better than mine did. I posted this necklace a few days ago.

It was a lot of fun making this necklace for Lola. She sent me the pendant and I sought out the beads. I used a pale green Prehnite stone, and a pale grey stone that I cannot identify. If anyone knows, please send a comment! There are small inflections of black in the stones. They are hefty. I also included a couple of faceted labradorite briolettes and some faceted Apatite coins (that are GORGEOUS!) I discovered a really great supplier online for gemstones. BeadsOnSale They have great prices and really great selection!

Monday Dec 10

i hate it when you finish something really great in the studio and then you HAVE to photograph it but it’s dark outside so you have no natural light and so you have to do it in your dark studio with lights blaring on it and then you have to totally fool around with it in photoshop to make it look half way decent. i hate that.
this happened to me, tonight. i made this necklace (inspired by the great and wise, heather wynn) and used the little green girl studios clasp i have been hoarding in my supplies for like 8 months, along with the hill tribe silver feather that i have had even longer…i don’t think i’ll be listing this baby. but i did make one in a similar style using purple beads, and green girl studios clasp and dragonfly bead. i may list that one, because i am more able to get my hands on those more affordable supplies. we’ll see. check back to find out. it’s like a suspense novel. gotta love that.

Saturday Dec 8

I opened up a new Etsy Shop today. The Bead Pod. Cute name right? My boss helped me think of it.
I am de-stashing some of my beads. Already sold 2! YAY! I just wanted to get rid of some stuff. It’s become a little out of control in the studio. So much so that the last time Tara was over she said “It’s like you have your own bead shop in here!”
Here are some of the beads I am unloading.

Friday Dec. 7

YAY it’s FRIDAY! More Lola Pendants….this time, NOT for me! The black and red is for Samantha for Christmas. The green and grey is for Lola herself! She sent me the pendant and I coordinated the beads and put it all together. I used a smoky grey stone that I cannot recall the name of, Prehnite, Labradorite, Apatite and sterling silver.

Thursday December 6

I finally finished the jewelry set that I made on commission for one of my husband’s friends/coworkers. Pete is buying this set for his special lady for Christmas. I had the necklace already done, but made the matching earrings and bracelet tonight.
Today at work I volunteered to donate a piece (necklace most likely) to the raffle at our annual Christmas party. That’s exciting. I have no idea what I will make to donate. There are some pretty sizable donations made already, pottery, photography, gift baskets, Meyda Tiffany, etc. I should probably try to make something really great. No pressure.
I also brought in about 12 pieces (necklaces, earrings and bracelets) to sell in the Gallery Gift shop in the museum where I work. Never hurts, and people have asked me time and time again why I wasn’t selling my stuff there. Well I did it. Mostly brass pieces. I hope it does well. It’s much different than anything else they have in the shop… mostly silver, some beadwork. Lots and lots of jewelry.
Wish me luck.